
SAGE (Salvia)


It is considered suitable against indigestion, anxiety, depression, colds, liver disorders, cough and shortness of breath. It is used to strengthen the nervous system and improve metabolism and is said to help in cases of melancholy and pessimism. It is considered a very good memory tonic.

Avoid use by hypertensives.

Net Weight: 20 gr



The Organic Sage (Officinalis) of HOLOMON organic herbs is collected from Mount Holomontas in June just before the flowering period at an altitude of 704m. The selection of herbs is based on the stage of their development. Those parts of the plant that are suitable for the creation of products are always collected, but without inactivating its growth. The appropriate stems are harvested by hand and then dried in specially designed natural drying areas, without the use of environmental machinery.


Heat 200ml of water in a cooking utensil and when the boiling starts, add 2 teaspoons or 1.5g of organic sage, then take it off the heat and leave it covered for about ten minutes, strain it and serve. Drink from 1 to 3 cups a day.

Avoid use by hypertensives!

Weight 0.030 kg
Καθαρός Βάρος (gr)



Product Type

Special Features